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LE GRAND SPECTACLE FUSION SERA À EDMUNDSTON POUR LA PREMIÈRE FOIS CET AUTOMNE AVEC LA TOUTE NOUVELLE PRODUCTION JAHA ET NOUS AVONS BESOINS DE DANSEURS COMPÉTITIFS! Un événement FUSION permanent existe actuellement à Moncton et Fredericton. Depuis 2011, plus de 10 000 personnes ont assisté à nos spectacles. Chaque année plus de 250 artistes locaux participent à cette grande production. Les spectacles FUSION sont un mélange d'art, de mode, d'effets spéciaux, de vidéos, d'histoire et de performance offrant une présentation visuellement époustouflante. Cette présentation comprend de superbes costumes faits et peints à la main, une scénographie élaborée, une chorégraphie complexe...

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2018 KIRA Finalists Announced

2018 KIRA Finalists Announced

We are extremely excited to announce that Les Productions FUSION Productions has been nominated for a KIRA Award and we just made the top 3 finalists in the Innovation Champion category. We have been working so hard over the years to create, develop and execute amazing shows and we are extremely happy and thankful to be able to showcase them in front of over 3,000 people yearly. Innovation is all about challenging the status quo, bringing things to the next level, not being afraid to step out of that “normalized” box. Our main goal is to always step up and...

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TUUKO comes to life this November in Fredericton

TUUKO comes to life this November in Fredericton

Les Productions FUSION Productions has been bringing creative productions to life in its Moncton shows since 2011. And, for the first time, the FUSION event is heading to Fredericton with the latest production TUUKO; presented by RBC Dominion Securities. The increasingly popular annual FUSION show, have had six consecutive sold-out shows with over 6,000 guests in attendance since inception. This year, Dieppe abstract artist and show creator, Matt LeBlanc, is expanding his vision for his company’s multi-media extravaganzas. While these productions have always been inspired by the artist’s work, they also showcase amazing local talents who excel in a variety...

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